Videos & Articles
featuring Ken Christensen

Campaign Fundraising Video Design & Production article from Campaigns & Elections by Ken Christensen

Now more than ever, well-produced digital videos are a necessity for effective campaign fundraising at all levels. The objectives of these videos are to introduce the candidate, show that they’re credible and viable, raise awareness of the campaign and, of course, help raise money. [READ MORE]

Ken Christensen chats with Shane Greer of Campaigns & Elections | [WATCH]

Ken Christensen discusses the 2020 U.S. Presidential election on the Swedish Television show AGENDA | [WATCH]

Fundraising Message: A Candidate’s Own Story from Campaigns & Elections by Ken Christensen

A political candidate’s fundraising message to a potential contributor is crucial. It will determine whether the contributor will or will not donate to the campaign. There is the usual five-minute fundraising call pitch: “Hi my name is…and I am calling you today about my campaign for Congress. I am running for Congress because… My background is…. I believe in issues x, y and z. Can I count on a contribution of $1,000 for my campaign for Congress? [READ MORE]

My Wife Belongs in the House from Reader’s Digest by Fergus M. Bordewich

When our guru, Ken Christensen, arrived on the train from Washington, he looked disconcertingly like an undertaker: lean, tense and sweating heavily in a black suit. He was all business. “You need an office,” Christensen snapped, “give me the keys to your car.” Four hours later he had rented space on Red Hook’s main street, and was unpacking telephones, fax machines and files from a pile of suitcases. Two weeks after Christensen arrived, my wife emerged from the Boiler Room. “We’ve done it!” Jean shouted. She’d managed to raise about $106,000. [READ MORE]

Raising Cash with Exec Committees from Campaigns & Elections by Ken Christensen

Candidates are always searching for new ways to raise money, but in reality, there are only a few solid ways of raising money for campaigns. Campaigns must focus on realistic, manageable and efficient fundraising programs. [READ MORE]

Need Bucks? Get a Pro from Campaigns & Elections by Ken Christensen

Hiring a professional fundraising firm has many advantages. Following proper legal and ethical standards — while raising more money — is an unbeatable combination. [READ MORE]

Political Events Are All About Fundraising | Ken Christensen quoted in Advancing Philanthropy Magazine

Ken Christensen, CEO, The Politics Company Inc. says, “Political events are all about raising money. The candidate is the key to the whole operation and is the driving force behind any political fundraising event.” Creating a buzz – grassroots interest, the opportunity to communicate the candidate’s message, getting volunteers excited about the campaign – is a side benefit.